“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36 (KJV)
In this journey of reflection and understanding, we are going to dive deep into the pools of independence, freedom, and free will, and explore how these elements relate to your Christian walk. Drawing parallels with the celebration of Independence Day in the United States, we are going to examine how these concepts reflect on your freedom in Christ. You'll learn how these truths can shape your perspective, enrich your faith, and empower your daily lives. So, saddle up, we're in for an enlightening ride!
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Galatians 5:1 (KJV)
Ah, independence. You know, it's like cutting the apron strings, right? The verse above is a call to bask in the independence given by Christ, to stand fast in the liberty that He provides and not to get entwined again in the ropes of bondage.
But that truly is the beauty of our faith as Christians. It liberates us. It sets us free from the chains of sin, the chains of guilt, and of course fear. Remember we are independent. Not independent in the sense that we're isolated or alone, but in the sense that we're no longer slaves to our old ways. We're not puppets dangling from the strings of worldly expectations like a marionette waiting for someone’s actions to react to. No sir, we're free birds soaring in the sky of His love.
“For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” - Romans 8:15 (KJV)
Expecting an ABBA joke here? Don’t worry… You can take a chance on me. Now, let’s talk about Freedom. Ever notice that’s a word that gets thrown around a lot, right? But what does it mean to us, as Christians? This verse lays it out plain and simple. We haven't received a spirit that puts us in bondage again to fear; rather, we have the Spirit of adoption. We are God’s children. We can call Him, “Abba, Father”.
This here is freedom and it is a precious gift. It’s the freedom to love, to serve, to live in the truth. You are free to have a personal relationship with the Creator. Isn’t that something? Imagine, the Creator of the universe is our “Abba”. Embrace this freedom, not as a ticket to do as you please, but as a passport to live as God pleases.
Free Will
"Choose you this day whom ye will serve... but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." - Joshua 24:15 (KJV)
This verse is laying around in almost every Christian home, normally as a paperweight or framed on a wall, table, or counter. (Yes, my house is included in that non-scientific statement.) So, let’s really chew on this verse for a moment. This verse from Joshua puts Free Will in perspective. Every day, we're faced with choices, and we have the free will to decide whom we will serve. Are you serving yourself and your selfish desires? Have you chosen another master to serve, like money, prestige and fame? But as Joshua boldly proclaims, "as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
We have the free will to choose our path, to make our decisions. Something that God has given us. But here’s the thing, having free will doesn't mean we're drifting aimlessly. People say that all the time like it is some type of dodge that has no repercussions. What it does mean is we choose to serve; we choose to follow God. Not because we're forced to, but because we want to. It’s like choosing to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning. You don’t have to, but it sure makes the day better, right? If you don’t like coffee (I actually enjoy creamer more than coffee) than you can use the analogy of plugging into an outlet. You have the choice of not plugging into God, but how well do machines operate on their own without a source of power? Hope you are getting what I am saying.
This Independence Day, do me a favor by doing something for yourself. I want you to take a second to look at yourself on your Christian journey. It’s a journey marked by independence from bondage, freedom in the Spirit, and the free will to choose to serve God. Each of these elements is like a sparkler, illuminating our path and leading us closer to God. As a Christian, your independence, freedom, and free will are gifts to be cherished, exercised, and reflected upon.
Real-Life Application: In the spirit of Independence Day, put your faith into action. Reach out to someone who might be feeling burdened or lost. I know I personally share the parables in Luke 15 to anyone that is feeling lost or is unsure on where they are going in life. But then, share your story of how finding independence, freedom, and free will in Christ changed your life. Remember, you aren’t alone, and you are not trying to convert anyone. You are sharing the Good News! You have God with you, and there are so many others who might just be waiting for your call. That’s what our faith is about. That’s how we celebrate true independence, freedom, and free will in Christ.
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Andrew R. Davis, a Christian blogger, speaker, and ministry leader, passionately shares the Word of God, guiding others in understanding the Bible and discovering their unique role in God's plan. Through HolyBanter.com, his podcast, and creative pursuits, he empowers Christians to incorporate spiritual gifts into everyday life, igniting their purposeful journey.