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How to Identify and Combat Spiritual Deception Through the Spiritual Gift of Discernment

Writer's picture: Andrew R. DavisAndrew R. Davis

"But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal... to another discerning of spirits..." - 1 Corinthians 12:7,10 (KJV)

A Pastor counseling someone with his Spiritual Gift of Discernment. -

Life, my friend, is a long and winding road. Now before I starting singing any of the Beatles’ classics, let me add that life is filled with opportunities for straying on your spiritual path as well. Think to yourself being at the crossroads of truth and falsehood, but picture it like a thick jungle, a complex labyrinth of confusion. However, there is no need to worry because God, in His infinite wisdom, has given you the Spiritual Gift of Discernment. Consider it a spiritual compass that can help you navigate over the complicated terrain in your journey. In this read, you are going to learn how to harness your God-given ability to identify and combat spiritual deception in your life and aid others in their spiritual journeys as well.

Identifying False Teachings

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." - 1 John 4:1 (KJV)

Verify with the Word of God whenever using the Spiritual Gift of Discernment. -

The Spiritual Gift of Discernment, also known as Distinguishing of Spirits, is sort of a divine litmus test. By that, meaning it helps you have the ability to separate the wolves from the sheep. Typically, everyone can understand and see the different between good and bad. God has already written that on our heart. However, when you are confronted with teachings that seem to be a bit off-kilter, you must then look into the Bible. You can always seek advice from spiritual mentors, and ultimately communicate with God to perceive the underlying false words that you have read or heard.

This is a Spiritual Gift that normally sounds a lot like you would only use it for yourself, but that is not true at all. It is true that we can shield ourselves from spiritual deception but we can also warn others about this deception so anyone else will not fall prey to it. When we are armed with the sword of truth and an empathetic heart, we can correct any misconceptions that we see. We can gently steer others towards the path of truth, and contribute to a spiritually healthier community.

Real-Life Application: When you come across new teachings that you read, take the time to cross-check them against the Word of God. You can also go to trusted spiritual resources, many that are online, that can help you find where to cross-check in the Bible. If you sense any type of deception, do not be afraid to engage in a respectful discussion on how that person came to the conclusions that they have. Do not be accusatory.

Detecting Manipulation or Exploitation

"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ." - 2 Corinthians 11:13 (KJV)

A young man sitting in the church pew using his Spiritual Gift of Discernment. -

This is some pretty bad news that I have to break to you, so I am going to do it quick. Spiritual communities, (church, small groups, youth and young adult ministries, etc.) are the most fertile ground for manipulation or exploitation. Why? Well to put it bluntly, the enemy is not going to be hanging out in the most perverse places where people try to hide from God. The enemy has already won them over, he is going to where the people are the most trusting so he can seed doubt into minds. You see, our trusting nature can be at times blinding us to the wolves in sheep’s clothing so to speak. However, the good news is that there is the Spiritual Gift of Discernment and that is the beacon that shines the light on all of these red flags. This Gift reveals excessive control, emotional manipulation, or even spiritual leaders that are leading lives in which contradicting their teachings.

Now comes the time where things will get awkward for you. When you are combating deception, it will require a lot of courage from you and a keen sense of justice. That means confrontation. Confronting a wrongdoer on a personal level, as in face to face. It will mean that you might have to bring an issue into the community’s light, which will ensure that vulnerable members are protected. The great thing is that when you have the Spiritual Gift of Discernment on your side, you become the guardian of your faith community. And you will not be alone in this because God will be with you.

Real-Life Application: This might be a little easier to state than to practice, but stay alert. You must stay alert to signs of manipulation or exploitation in your spiritual community. This means you ask questions, and you engage. A simple question to someone that you might not be sure of, is to ask them politely to defend what they are saying. This could be asking someone to rephrase something that could be taken out of context, asking where they came up with the thought that they said, as in what are their sources. Sometimes you will find that a person might have misunderstood something that they heard and is repeating it incorrectly. Not every case is a fight with the devil, sometimes this is just standard practice of discernment. Doing this will make sure that you have the courage to take appropriate action and protect those who might be vulnerable.

Recognizing Spiritual Unrest

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." - 1 Peter 5:8 (KJV)

Sometimes you can pick up spiritual struggles with the Spiritual Gift of Discernment. -

Imagine, just for a moment, that you have the ability to pick up on other’s spiritual struggles, even when they are really good at hiding it. This ability, or spiritual sixth sense, is in fact the Spiritual Gift of Discernment at work as well. It is not about just seeing false teachings, or someone manipulating or exploiting others, but it can be about somebody else’s spiritual health at stake. The Spiritual Gift of Discernment cues us into other people’s behavior, their speech, and overall demeanor that could indicate spiritual unrest.

This is the type of combat against the form of deception really does require a compassionate and delicate approach. During this time is where you will reach out to lend an ear. You could offer to pray together as well. Your discernment combining with a genuine care of support can guide another person through their spiritual struggle. More importantly, this could very well bring them back to a place of spiritual wellness.

Real-Life Application: Take the moment to become attuned to those around you. You do this by listening to the inflection in their voice, facial movements in the way they speak, complete body language. After you are attuned to others you can reach out to those that seem to be experiencing spiritual unrest.

The best way to use the Spiritual Gift of Discernment is with prayer. -

There are potential deceptions through throughout our life. But in this spiritual terrain we are armed with the Spiritual Gift of Discernment and we can identify false teachings and see spiritual unrest. More than a spiritual safeguard for ourselves, discernment empowers us to combat deception and aid others on their spiritual journeys. When you focus on your discernment, remember please to do it with respect towards others. When calling out something, others will take personal offense to it. Speak in truth when discerning and combating spiritual deception. This will only end in strengthening your faith and also your spiritual community.

Andrew R. Davis, a Christian blogger, speaker, and ministry leader, passionately shares the Word of God, guiding others in understanding the Bible and discovering their unique role in God's plan. Through, his podcast, and creative pursuits, he empowers Christians to incorporate spiritual gifts into everyday life, igniting their purposeful journey.


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