"Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do." - 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (KJV)
Hello there again, of maybe this is the first time? Looking for some encouraging words on the topic of the Spiritual Gift of Encouragement? You are looking in the right place. The verse above from 1 Thessalonians strikes the importance of mutual encouragement and support within the Christian community. That means you encourage others, and you yourself are going to get joy and encouragement back. Think of it as refilling your coffers spiritually speaking. Paul encourages the Thessalonians in this section of the Bible to uplift and strengthen one another through their words and actions. The verse above specifically talks about the reactions of each other within the community.
Think of this. You, yes you, have been equipped with a divine superpower – a power that is so profound that it can uplift spirits, shine light into the darkest corners of despair, and imbue hearts with hope. Man, that is pretty cool if you ask me, and you know what? This power is a called the Spiritual Gift of Encouragement and it is granted by God himself. As you continue to read this, you are going to discover how you can wield this God-given ability to bring joy into other’s lives and find immense joy in return. To me that just sounds like a win-win, doesn’t it?
Helping Others Overcome Difficulties
"Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." - Galatians 6:2 (KJV)
In the preceding verse of Galatians 6:1, Paul discusses the idea of living in the Spirit and walking in love. Paul also takes the time to emphasize the importance of restoring a person that has stumbled spiritually with the spirit of gentleness and humility. Doing this sets the stage for the above verse. Paul continues to address the practical ways in which believers should interact with each other.
The Spiritual Gift of Encouragement is an awesome gift. I have to tell you about a huge warning that comes with it however. When you are encouraging others with this Gift, you could run the risk while you are walking aside of a person in need, you suddenly take on the responsibilities, guilt, or other emotions that person has. You have, with this Spiritual Gift, an enormous transformative power. Yes, when times get tough and dark clouds loom overhead (metaphorically speaking), your words of encouragement become a beacon of hope, like a lighthouse of comfort. This can guide a person through some of their life’s strongest tempests. Just imagine you bolstering their strength, restoring their confidence, and overall helping bring them to serenity amidst complete chaos.
And the cherry on top? You witness their transformation which in turn energizes you. When you watch someone emerge from a struggle, stronger and more confident, it is like watching a complete metamorphous. Like a caterpillar into a butterfly. Think about it, we love seeing “character development” in movies and tv shows. You get to see this first hand, which is complete confirmation in something complete, which doesn’t always happen with all the other Spiritual Gifts.
Real-Life Application: There is no doubt in my mind that you know someone in your life that is going through something pretty harsh. You have a phone, right? Could be reading this on it right now. Take a moment, text that person. It is as simple as reaching out. Words of encouragement, saying to that person that you have been thinking of them. It isn’t an invitation for a full-blown chat, per se. However, if they call you, then this is the Spirit at work and take the call. A simple, heartfelt message of support or a word of prayer can make a world of difference.
Fostering Positive Change
"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." - Ephesians 4:29 (KJV)
When you look at the 4th chapter of Ephesians you can see it focuses primarily on unity and growth of the body of Christ. Ya know, the community of believers in Jesus Christ. Paul writes here the importance of maintaining unity, humility, and love within the church. Paul also talks about transformation in the life of a believer as they are renewed, mind and behavior, through Christ.
Now in case you haven’t caught on yet, I believe that there is something utterly magical about the Spiritual Gift of Encouragement. With uplifting words that come out of your mouth through the Holy Spirit you will serve as a catalyst for change. Thinking of it as sparking a transformational fire within the person that you are talking to. This inspiration that you give someone will get them to take that “leap of faith” as it were. This could be finally going for that new career. Finishing (or starting) that book that they have been wanting to write. Maybe even taking a leadership role in their community.
And this Gift has a ripple effect that just continues throughout. Inspiring others to do something will only continue move to the next and the next, like seeing a domino hitting the next domino in a row of them standing up. Witnessing this is a blessing, like I alluded to in the previous section. Knowing that you are part of the change? Man, oh man, that is a serious shot in the arm, spiritually speaking.
Real-Life Application: Use your words to motivate and inspire those around you. Take the time to see people that you know who are clearly stuck in deciding what to do. Sometimes this is due to fear of the unknown, sometimes there is a different reason. Your support could just be the push that person needs.
Deepening Your Relationships
"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." - Proverbs 27:17 (KJV)
In case you didn't know, the book of Proverbs is known for its practical wisdom and insights, also water is wet. This above verse is giving you a physical analogy to represent something less physical. The term about iron sharpening iron is telling you the practicality that iron tools can be sharpened and made more effective when they come into contact with other iron. Think about all those times you have seen in movies, tv, and real life of a butcher sharpening their knife with an iron spike.
The analogy in this verse is talking about how meaningful and honest interactions are with other people, especially friends. This of course will lead to personal growth, as well as refinement and improvement. And pay close attention to the word countenance in this verse. Proverbs is talking about a person’s demeanor which is their inner state or character.
Sharing your Spiritual Gift of Encouragement is not a one-way street, if you haven’t caught on yet. You are pouring out words of encouragement, or coming alongside someone. Yes, that is easy to see. You might have noticed this but you are also inviting people to connect on a deeper level. These people may share their thoughts or feelings with you. When a person gets that comfortable with you, they will open up some of their life stories, especially ones that they might be afraid of talking to others about. This really leads to a unique joy that only bonding with someone can give.
Real-Life Application: I have given you an application to write and to speak in the previous Real-Life Applications. Now I am telling you to shut up, (telling you nicely of course!) Take the time to become an active listener and, this one might be a tough one at first, express genuine interest in the other person! Through your encouragement of just being there to listen, you will strengthen relationships and even build a more supportive community.
I can say this whole-heartedly, when you unleash your Spiritual Gift of Encouragement, you are basically unlocking a treasure chest of joy. Yes, when you encourage others, you will help them overcome difficulties and you will foster positive change. You will also deepen your relationships with the people that you encourage. Remember that this isn’t about everyone else’s Spiritual Journey. You are on your own with the Lord helping you as you navigate it all while sharing your divine gift with those around you. In giving, you will receive a joy that is so profound that it will not just enrich your life but those lives around you!
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Andrew R. Davis, a Christian blogger, speaker, and ministry leader, passionately shares the Word of God, guiding others in understanding the Bible and discovering their unique role in God's plan. Through HolyBanter.com, his podcast, and creative pursuits, he empowers Christians to incorporate spiritual gifts into everyday life, igniting their purposeful journey.