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3 Key Practices to Develop Your Spiritual Gift of Apostleship

Writer's picture: Andrew R. DavisAndrew R. Davis

"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ." - Ephesians 4:11-12 (KJV)

A young apostle standing in a church that he helped plant. -

Do you have a pioneering spirit? Do you get excited when thinking about planting a new church? Or maybe you are more mission oriented. These are some hints that you just might have the Spiritual Gift of Apostleship.

And if you aren’t quite sure what that is, let me tell you. The Spiritual Gift of Apostleship involves a distinct calling for someone to want to serve as pioneers, or messengers and builders in the Kingdom of God. It is the supernatural ability granted by the Holy Spirit to certain believers to establish, oversee, and nurture new works. This could be a new church, or maybe a personal ministry. Typically, those with the gift of apostleship are equipped to lay down foundations and extend the influence of the gospel.

But before getting into the 3 key practices, I want you to know what I mean by key practice. When I say “key practice” I am talking about the action that is central to achieving your goal. This is an element that is needed for effective success when it comes to the development of your Spiritual Gift. Now let’s get into it!

Deepen Your Understanding of Scripture

"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." - Proverbs 4: 7 (KJV)

Scholar building his gift of apostleship by understanding the scripture of the Bible. -

The book of Proverbs in my humble opinion is the book to go to in the Bible if you ever want to improve in life. Think of it as God’s self-help section of the Bible. This particular verse emphasizes the value of wisdom and understanding. This verse should be encouraging you to pursue wisdom as a primary priority in life. The earlier verses in chapter 4 of Proverbs talk about the importance of listening to the instruction you are given and holding onto that wisdom. This verse highlights the idea that gaining understanding is critical when you acquire wisdom. True wisdom comes from having a deep understanding of God’s Word. But not just that, wisdom also comes from applying it to your life.

This means that you have immerse yourself in the Word of God on the daily. It means that you have to develop a comprehensive understanding of biblical theology. No, I am not talking about having to sign up for classes and spend money to gain this understanding. It is all about you taking the time to read the Bible so you can personally articulate and defend your faith. This could be defending your faith through apologetics or just when someone comes up and asks you why you believe what you believe. It is going to provide you with a solid foundation for your apostolic ministry.

Real-Life Application: Dedicate time to have personal Bible study. Yes, it is nice to have Bible studies with others, but you need to give yourself time to soak in the Word without hearing someone else’s interpretation as well. There are great amounts of theological resources out there, but start with something like a notebook and your Bible, or possible purchase a study Bible that gives you margins to write notes and so you can reflect on your thoughts while you read.

A Heart for Missions and Evangelism

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." - Matthew 28: 19-20 (KJV)

A missionary performing a baptism while following the Great Comission. -

The above verses are known as the Great Commission. These verses were spoken directly by Jesus as a mandate to His disciples (students). Jesus told His disciples to teach all nations (everyone). It's not about converting or making other apostles. We can't convert people; it's their choice. Jesus said to teach, not make teachers. So yeah, that means you make students by teaching, and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. All three.

Did you notice the first word that Jesus said? GO. That means there has to be action coming from you. Apostles are often called to be the pioneers in spreading the gospel. They are the ones that will establish churches that will have a congregation yearning to learn. You need to have a heart for missions and to have evangelism bursting from within to be blessed with the Spiritual Gift of Apostleship. However, if you do not “Go” as Jesus says, then you are not spreading the gospel. You must venture into territory that is unfamiliar to the gospel if you wish to spread it.

Real-Life Application: Local mission work is crucial in spreading the Word. Do you know your neighbors? Get to know your neighbors! Global missions do not require you joining the Peace Corps either. Do you have a social media account? Congratulations you have the starting point for a global mission. Outreach is so much easier now. You do not have to travel on foot from town to town like the original Apostles did.

Develop Leadership and Organizational Skills

"This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach." - 1 Timothy 3: 1-2 (KJV)

An Elder leading the church with the Spiritual Gift of Apostleship. -

Oh Boy! The hot button verses! These verses outline the qualifications for leaders in the church, specifically the office of a bishop or overseer. There have been a great many debates on this narrative and what it means and how it affects the church. We have an excellent blog written my Rob Harley on this site that addresses this verse on how good men might not be able to be Elders. I suggest you check it out. And while these qualifications in 1 Timothy are specifically for church leadership, they provide valuable insights for developing leadership and organizational skills in general. The passage emphasizes the importance of personal character, including being blameless, vigilant, of good behavior, hospitable, and apt to teach. It emphasizes the need for leaders to demonstrate integrity, wisdom, and a commitment to serving and teaching others.

Now of course that doesn’t mean that all that have the Spiritual Gift of Apostleship are sin free. If that is the case, well… then there isn’t anyone on Earth with that gift since Jesus ascended. But apostles are often leaders and catalysts for change within the church. They focus on developing leadership skills so they can effectively communicate, problem-solve and make decisions when it comes to projects like planting a church.

Real-Life Application: Consider taking leadership courses (I suggest to you “servant leadership” courses) and seeing leadership as an opportunity not a rank of status. Try attending conferences in person and online. Join leadership development programs within your church if they have any, or other Christian organizations.


"And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues." - 1 Corinthians 12: 28 (KJV)

Pastor and his church staff standing outside the church. -

Have you noticed the order? The verse states “first apostles”. That is because God knows that the apostles are needed first to lay the groundwork before anything else can happen. You now understand about how this Spiritual Gift of Apostleship is a unique and special gift given from God through the Holy Spirit. This is to edify and glorify. Wisdom, a heart for missions, and leadership are all required for your apostolic ministry. However, you have to remember this development is not an overnight success. It takes dedication, prayer, and spiritual courage to step out in faith. You embrace these key practices and allow the Holy Spirit to work through you, lives will be impacted, and works will be established all for the Kingdom of God.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the comment section below. Additionally, if you found this article to be helpful, please share it with others who may also benefit from it.

Andrew R. Davis, a Christian blogger, speaker, and ministry leader, passionately shares the Word of God, guiding others in understanding the Bible and discovering their unique role in God's plan. Through, his podcast, and creative pursuits, he empowers Christians to incorporate spiritual gifts into everyday life, igniting their purposeful journey.


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